Monday, July 19, 2010

21 yrs in the making

So far so good for us in the Ontario District 1 Championships. After three games we are 3-0, with three kinda convincing wins - 11-1, 11-0, and 14-4.

It's our first game, against High Park that I liked most for a few reasons. One, we were playing at the very park I grew up playing all of my Little League baseball in, Erindale. I can still remember my first home run there. As can my friend that I hit it off. I think the ball travels 10 ft further every year I tell the story! It also seems as though everyone throughout recorded GTA Little League history has a story about getting beat by High Park. And I'm no different.

Twenty one years ago we (Erindale) lost to the eventual Canadian Champions, High Park, in the District Championship game. So, it may have taken two decades and four presidents, but Friday night I was able to gain some measure of revenge with the 11-1 win. And how's this for a "small world" moment - Last week at practice we had a player who played on that High Park team we lost to come out and talk to the boys about his Little League World Series experience. We both remembered that game we played, players on either team, and moments in the game. In baseball there is always one constant - the stories. And oh how they grow in grandeur with each passing year.

Last week I watched part of the Ken Burns baseball series and actor Billy Crystal recanted a story of when he first met Ted Williams 30 years after he actually saw him play for the first time live. He told Williams who was pitching and how he had tape of it and said he had struck out in one at bat. Williams, without needing any more details, looked at him and said "curve ball low and away."

Nobody forgets their first homerun. I know I haven't. Apparently the greatest hitter of all time also never forgets a strikeout either.

record to date: 19 W, 3 L

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