Monday, October 30, 2006

This is Way Too Good to Miss

In the spirit of TOO EARLY Ohio State stuff, check out this preview of The Game. It is one hell of a nice read done in a position by position matchup style preview. Sure there are some parts here or there that I would disagree with, but it is funny as hell. Some snippets...

Defensive line: Whirling vortex of horror vs. rampaging hordes of unholy might. Both groups are quite, quite good. Michigan, however, has the clear edge here. They average something absurd like 7'3" and 545 pounds across the line (slight exaggerations) and knocked 2 of Penn State's innocent QBs out of the game with a blitzkrieg of sacks and flattenings that made Poland shudder. Smith's mobility at QB will probably help mitigate UM's bloodlust, but it will be tough to run against them. Edge: Michigan.

Carr, on the other hand, is your run-of-the-mill crotchety grandpa type, the one who keeps all the balls you hit over his fence in a big garbage bag labeled "Jason's toys he'll never ever get back ever even after I die so help me God won't someone teach these kids some respect, consarn it?" Tressel is suspected by many detractors and non-Buckeye partisans of cheating or using unholy magic, basically because he's really good at the two things Ohio State is notoriously bad at: beating Michigan and winning bowl games. I dismiss the notion that Tressel is "in Carr's head", however. Both men have, in all likelihood, killed men with their bare hands and enjoyed it.

Great writing even though most of his stuff appears to have almost nothing to do with sports. Perusing his site it looks like he is from Cleveland which would explain the fascination with The Game. At least he had the good sense to get out of Ohio.

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