Earlier today, I decided to send R.A. a pleasant morning greeting in 140 characters or less, while at the same time sharing a past Dickeypedia piece with the man who so lovingly named one of his bats "Orcrist the Goblin Cleaver".
Not only was he quick to respond to my tweet, but he gave me permission to continue writing Dickeypedia pieces, saying:

@Studi_Metsimus of course. I'll try to give you more fodder.
(You can read the entire conversation between me and R.A. Dickey by clicking here. Sorry, there was no discussion about Orcrist the Goblin Cleaver, or whether the bat used in the photo above was indeed Orcrist.)
For those who do not have a dictionary handy, I will provide you with a definition to the word that made up the last six characters of R.A.'s less than 140 character Twitter response (seven if you include the period).
- 1. Feed for livestock, especially coarsely chopped hay or straw.
- 2. Raw material, as for artistic creation.
- 3. A consumable, often inferior item or resource that is in demand and usually abundant supply.
Of course, now that I have provided the link to R.A. Dickey's Twitter account, he will most likely be followed by all 4½ of our readers, a number that might grow to 5½ if the rumors are true that former Met malcontent Jeff Kent has occasionally read our work. (He claims he reads it for the pretty pictures.)
The second baseman with the mustache that should have landed him a role in "Boogie Nights" found out that Dickey was a fan of Star Wars and sent us an e-mail trying to convince us to tweet his love of the force to R.A. He seemed very pushy, especially after the tenth message. Finally, we gave in, basically as a way to prevent Kent from overloading our inbox and because we felt sorry that he had to go through life with that 'stache.
Anyway, in his effort to prove to R.A. that he was a big fan of his knuckler and the Star Wars films (I won't mention that he claimed his favorite character was Jar Jar Binks to spare him the embarrassment), he wanted me to pass along his favorite Star Wars quote to the Mets' hurler. Take it away, Jeff!

"Hey, R.A.! Remember that famous line in 'The Empire Strikes Back' when Darth Vader said "Luke, I am your fodder"? Remember that? That was awesome. Okay, bye!"
Sigh. Not only does Jeff Kent not know any of the proper definitions of the word "fodder" (or the reason why Mets fans disliked him so much), he even misquoted the line from the climactic scene in Episode V.
Any real Star Wars fan would know that Darth Vader said "no, I am your father" to Luke Skywalker after Luke was led to believe by Obi Wan Kenobi that Vader was his father's murderer.
Now of course, Kent might actually have said "father" instead of "fodder". It was actually tough to tell because he refused to take that bubble gum out of his mouth. However, there was no mistaking the fact that he clearly did not know his Star Wars trivia. For all we know, Kent didn't know the difference between the Imperial March and the Ides of March.
It's a good thing we have R.A. Dickey around, who is not only capable of weeding out fake fans such as Jeff Kent (who's probably just a disgruntled Trekkie), but is also supportive of the Dickeypedia Word of the Week.
It's guys like R.A. who make it easy for bloggers such as myself to provide fodder for our 4½ readers!
You can follow Studious Metsimus on Twitter here: @Studi_Metsimus
You can follow R.A. Dickey on Twitter here: @RADickey43
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