Thursday, June 16, 2011

It might be time to cut bait with the Fish

On May 26th, the Marlins behind Anibal Sanchez's complete game shutout swept the World Champion Giants and moved to within 1 game of first place.

They were 10 games over .500 and my prediction that they would win the Wild Card looked pretty good at the 1/3 mark of the season.

The Marlins have lost 18 of their last 21 games.

We are more than halfway through June and they have a grand total of one win this month.

They got swept by the Phillies.
And of this writing they are in last place.

They went from 10 games over .500 to 5 games UNDER .500 in less than a month.

I wrote last Sunday that Edwin Rodriguez's job might in trouble.
Now I can imagine him being fired in mid game.

Something needs to be done in Florida and firing the hitting coach ain't it.
I'd like to see the Marlins get a quality innings eater... or a dominating reliever...

Instead I think Rodriguez is getting a pink slip.
I'm rooting for him. He's an underdog baseball lifer. But I also think Bobby Valentine is looking at rentals in South Florida.

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