Doesn't Tony look a little ticked off here? Maybe a little unhappy with his situation?
He's not playing, has an expression of indifference and annoyance intertwined.
Maybe that was apt. This picture was taken during the 1977 season.
The year before he was clinching his second straight World Series title with the Big Red Machine. Sure his stats dipped a little bit in 1976, but they won the World Series crushing the Yankees.
They looked unstoppable.
And a year later he was sitting in Montreal.
At the time the Expos had never had a .500 season, let alone be the consensus pick to win the Division. And that season they moved into the behemoth that was Olympic Stadium.
He was a Spanish speaking Cuban learning English shipped from the best American team to a Canadian team in a city that speaks French.
No wonder he looks out of sorts.
He's not even wearing his cap.
Probably he didn't want to wear it.
Instead he's looking out thinking "Really? I was traded for Dale Murray and Woodie Fryman?"
Not exactly an action shot, is it?
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