Saturday, August 7, 2010

it's finally here

After days, months, and for some involved with the Ancaster organization, years, the Canadian Little League Championships are finally here. Day 1 was relatively quiet. We were first on the diamond. There is something unexplainable about being on the diamond first thing in the morning. It is very serene. The dew on the grass is not quite dry, the groomed infield sits untouched, and players seem almost reluctant to ruin this postcard as they mill about in foul territory. Slowly people and players from other teams trickled in to watch the hometown team go about their routine.

I didn't sleep much the night before as I thought about what lie ahead for our team. I thought about each game. I thought about how life would be different after next Saturday when the tournament concluded. What if we won? What if we lost? How would I respond?

And so went the day. One after the other the six competing teams took the field to strut their stuff in front of the competition.

The night's activities featured a tractor pull and caber toss - not really. What it did feature, however, was something truly memorable. In the early days of the Ancaster Little League on Opening Day there would be a parade through Old Ancaster concluded by fireworks at the ballpark. Admittedly, I wasn't sure what to expect going in to this. What I got out of it was something I will never forget. The six teams were led through the town on tractor-drawn wagons to the cheers of people lining the streets. People in their cars honked. Others stood at the end of their driveways and waved. If I was awed by the experienced, I'm sure others were.  In that moment the kid in me wanted to be playing in this tournament, but the adult in me realized this was for the current generation of  Little Leaguers and their moment in the sun. It so nicely summed up what Little League baseball truly is - a community experience.

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